• 沙滩阅读


    我很高兴一年四季都去海滩, 但现在真的变成了海滩天气, 所以我为你下次去海滩旅行推荐了五本新书.


    We give little thought to the physics of the ocean, but they are complex and vital to our existence. 这本书探讨了海洋如何运作的科学, 温度如何, 盐度, 人口密度和地形都会影响天气, 气候和更广泛的生态系统. Czerski is a bubble physicist and oceanographer, and her science is detailed yet accessible. This is a fascinating tour of the oceans with an appreciation of just how important it all is to our survival.

    A well-researched, fast-paced account of the 1973 Yom Kippur War that reveals many 的见解. The intelligence failure at the start of the war has obvious parallel with the Gaza war fifty years later. 我们看到,决策是根据不完整和相互矛盾的信息做出的, 个人政治竞争会如何影响这些决定, 在扭转战局的过程中,几分钟的时间为何如此重要. The reputations of IDF Chief of Staff David Elazar and Prime Minister Golda Meir were unjustly tarnished, and the recklessness of Ariel Sharon won the war that most Israelis believe they lost. 及时的历史.


    见证我是Jamel Brinkley
    十个短篇故事, 都在布朗克斯和布鲁克林, 有各种各样的人物, 都在日常生活中挣扎. 每个故事和人物都是用严谨的文笔精心描绘的. 我们见证了他们的生活,他们的悲伤,他们的希望. Brinkley penetrates their outer selves to allow us to see what is inside their characters, 并以优雅和洞察力做到这一点.

    A famous Polish novelist has called her eight translators together to begin work translating a new novel. 就像以前一样, they would all work together on the translation in her house so that the novel could be released in multiple languages simultaneously. 作者, Irena雷伊, 把新小说分发给他们, 然后她就消失了, 翻译们不知道该怎么办:等她? 去找她? 没有她翻译? 他们做以上所有的事情,甚至更多. 当我们了解他们过去的生活和秘密, 伊雷娜·雷伊失踪的谜团揭开了. 詹妮弗·克罗夫特, 在现实生活中, 奥尔加·托卡丘克的译者, 波兰诺贝尔奖得主, 所以她对翻译和译者有所了解, but demonstrates her unique gifts as a writer of beautiful prose and a compelling story.

    The Künstlers escape Vienna on literally the last boat out of Europe in 1939 and travel to Los Angeles, 他们在哪里是大的一部分, 讲德语的艺术家和作家的移民团体,他们逃离纳粹. 玛米, 一个12岁的女孩, 很快适应加州, but most of the story takes place eighty years later when her peripatetic grandson, 朱利安, 他从纽约来看她, 就在大流行关闭一切之前.  玛米讲她年轻时的故事逗他开心, 她认识的名人, 当她的旧世界瓦解时,身处童话世界的纯粹快乐. 故事情节令人着迷,也让朱利安打开了心扉. He is still directionless, but through 玛米, he has gained a maturity and perspective he never had. 他向玛米学习,把过去抛在脑后,充分利用现在, 完全不用担心未来. 一本美丽、有趣、感人的小说.

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